The Advantages of Automation for Wastewater Treatment

Automation is everywhere nowadays, helping us to create better use of labor, time and other resources, and leading in order to the introduction of cleaner, future-ready industries. It's not a surprise to find out automation edging into wastewater treatment: this really is one of the most critical industrial-level activities on the world today where public health is concerned. Here are a few of the particular ways technology will be making this process more efficient plus cost-effective.

Lower Energy Costs

Not surprisingly, energy use is the single biggest expense with regard to wastewater treatment vegetation. Automating infrastructure provides one way to reduce energy expenditures associated with a quantity of critical water treatment processes. One example is the blowers located in holding basins, which maintain the water aerated. Some estimates say blowers account for up in order to 60% of a treatment plant's total energy consumption.

Automation can improve cost-effectiveness inside this area through data collection. Instead of operating the blowers constantly, at a fixed speed, plants can make use of details about effluent levels in holding basins to use air and remove solids only when it's necessary to do so. This reduces power costs, helps maintain a stable flow plus reduces wear and tear on equipment.

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In wastewater treatment plus many...

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Automation is everywhere these days, helping us to make better use of labor, time and other resources, plus leading to the development of cleaner, future-ready industries. It’s not a surprise to see automation edging into wastewater treatment: this is one of the most critical industrial-level activities on planet earth today where public health is concerned. Here are some of the ways technology is making this process more efficient and cost-effective.

Lower Energy Costs

Not surprisingly, energy use is the single biggest expense for wastewater treatment plants. Automating infrastructure provides 1 way to reduce energy expenditures associated with a number of critical water treatment processes. One example is the blowers located in holding basins, which keep the water aerated. Some estimates say blowers account for up to 60% of a treatment plant’s total energy consumption.

Automation can improve cost-effectiveness in this area through data collection. Instead associated with operating the blowers constantly, at the fixed speed, plants can use information about effluent levels in holding basins to apply air and remove solids only when it’s necessary to do so. This reduces energy costs, helps maintain a steady flow and reduces wear and tear on equipment.

Constant Access to Data and Ongoing Sampling

In wastewater treatment and many…

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Scottie Todd

Digital Marketing Lead

“Level 4 marketing wizard on a quest for
data insights one blog post at a time.”


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